Eid ul Fitr 2020

Asalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu

Respected brothers and sisters,

As the position of HDMS is to follow local moon-sighting, we would like to advise our community that the moon has been sighted in Fiji (+2hrs) which is in the same time zone difference as the city of Perth (-2hrs). Also the moon has been sighted in New Zealand which is also in the same time zone as Fiji. HDMS has in possession signed correspondence from the muslim organisation in Fiji and New Zealand confirming the sighting of the moon. Contact has been made in Fiji and New Zealand by our members where the moon sighting has been confirmed. Taking into consideration that the time zones of Fiji, New Zealand and the city of Perth Austrailia are in the (+_) 2 hour time difference with Sydney, the Shura of HDMS and our resident Imam Shaykh Saleh Gahit considers the moon sighting to be local and would like to announce that EID is on Sunday 24 May 2020.

We would like to emphasis the importance of complying with restrictions and health measures issued by the Authorities. Please hold and revive the Eid prayers in your homes with your close family members taking into consideration the limited numbers regulated in the state of New South Wales.

Eid Mubarak to you, your family and the entire Muslim Community.